Orange Is Not The New Tan. All Things Self Tanner
May 25, 2020
Throughout this entire quarantine so many of my regular babes have been sending me messages on how badly they need that glimmer back.
Trust me! I want to know the exact day I can get back into my studio and back to doing what I love! So while I’m a firm believer that all of our services here at BBC, are in fact very essential, here we are.
The real question with spray tanning though, would be why do I fucking subject myself (and my clients) to the cold sticky spritzer that usually has some sort of weird stripper name?!
Because we don’t use that shit! We use a brand called Norvell. It’s a high-quality product, with user-friendly application methods.
It gives that awesome result my babes keep coming back for! And it’s all without an embarrassing orange color or the cheap high school body spray smell that have become a thing of that past!
Not to mention, your other options are looking like a wrinkly carrot or getting skin cancer and neither of those are attractive.
We’ve all seen those super super tanned girls promoting that oil stuff all over social media.
I can’t wait to see the side by side 10 year challenge when they’re skin is now leather.
With warmer weather approaching and with no actual fucking clue when this quarantine will be over; I’ll be sharing my favorite wide brim hats, sunscreen, at home self-tanners, and other skin protection musts over the next few weeks!
Because you are a babe and you need to protect your skin from the sun!
So whether you are getting your spray tan done at a salon or applying self-tanner at home, there are a few things to watch out for.
The quality of your tan relies heavily on the type of solution you select, but how well you care for your skin before and after the treatment is insanely crucial!
Tanning solutions work by depositing color agents into your skin’s top layers.
This means any imperfections or unevenness in your skin are likely to become more prominent after application. Dead skin cells and debris don’t help the situation, and may even cause those obnoxious streaks and patches. We’ve all seen it. Don’t be that person!
Don’t worry though! If you follow the golden rules below than you’ll come out bronzed and not a streaky orange mess.
• Exfoliate – it’s a must!
Have you ever experienced that after a week after your spray tan, your skin starts looking scaly?
Well, that happens when those dead and dry skin cells weren’t cleared away!
I recommend dry brushing and a good in shower exfoliation before your tanning session so your skin is fresh and ready.
I’ll say it again DRY BRUSH & Exfoliate that fine ass of yours!
• Wax or shave 24 hours before
Waxing can actually leave leftover wax on your skin, if not removed properly. The heat from the wax also opens up those pores. Both of those factors can lead to blotchy or untanned spots on your skin.
Same thing with shaving. You run the risk of small cuts or scrapes, sometimes even the super tiny ones we might not have noticed show up!
I recommend shaving 24 hours ahead of time.
When Going for Your Tanning Appointment
•Remove moisturizer, makeup, deodorant and perfume. Come in with that clean exfoliated skin!!
• Wear clothes that are dark, loose fitting ad flowy. Choose an outfit that you won’t mind getting some bronzer stains on. The DHA and bronzer may take up to 15 minutes to dry, so tight clothes may rub off your tan and stain your clothes.
You may also skip wearing a bra. Which who likes bras anyways?
Same protocol also goes for at home applications! The great thing about being at home is you can sit around naked until it’s dry!
• Wait for your skin to dry up completely before getting dressed.
• Try to avoid sweating excessively, vigorously exercising, swimming or showering for at least 8-12 hours after the session unless its a rapid solution.
This gives the tan time develop and settle. Gently pat dry after the first shower, and moisturize your skin!
• Don’t wear tight clothes, long boots, socks or shoes for at least 5 hours after your tanning session.
• Avoid shaving for 12 hours after the session.
Gah!!! So many rules! Guess what! It’s super easy and if you follow these guidelines your faux tan will never fail you! Unless you use some cheap crap full of horrible ingredients.
Or! You try to apply it while you’re drunk or you have your partner help you and they think it’s like applying sunscreen, because it’s not the same!!!!
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