What are the requirements to become a permanent makeup artist?
lip blush artist microblading artist permanent make up artist pmu artist pmu industry Jan 18, 2022
California is a state where beauty and appearance are extremely important in most professions. As a result, it's no surprise that many people are interested in pursuing a profession in permanent makeup.
The procedure or method is similar to that used by tattoo artists to produce a permanent mark or pattern under the surface of the skin. As a result, it's only natural that standards and certifications be put in place to allow permanent makeup artists to perform lawfully in California.
So, how does one go about becoming a permanent makeup artist in California?
Each county's Department of Health is in charge of regulating permanent cosmetics in California.
However, most counties will require the following information in order to grant a body art practitioner permit:
Proof of age (driver's license or other picture identification)
Certificate for blood-borne pathogens
Certificate of Hepatitis Vaccination or a completed Declination Form
The county issues a completed application.
License fees must be paid.
If you want to start your own business, you'll need a business owner/operator license. This must be done directly with your county officials once again.
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